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Take a breath. Envision your best self. Commit to recovery. Get the help you need.

Making the decision to attend addiction treatment is both deeply personal and sometimes difficult. Choosing treatment isn’t just a commitment to overcoming addiction; it’s a profound investment in your well-being toward the pursuit of a fulfilling, sober life.

Not knowing exactly what to expect in your treatment journey is entirely normal. It’s essential to recognize that you’re not alone and that the decision to find quality addiction and dual diagnosis care is an act of self-empowerment.

Embracing the possibilities, with the support of dedicated professionals and a community of peers, can open the door to new and transformative possibilities on the road to recovery.

It takes tremendous courage to reach out for help—and Ikon Recovery Center provides the support and resources you need to nurture your recovery journey.

The admissions process at Ikon is designed to be both comprehensive and compassionate. It begins with an initial assessment, where our team collaborates with you to understand your unique treatment needs.

Through open communication and personalized discussions, we tailor our approach to address every facet of your journey, ensuring a holistic and individualized care plan that promotes lasting recovery. Our approach prioritizes holistic care, addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects of addiction.

Once admitted, clients experience a continuum of care, seamlessly transitioning through various levels of treatment, ensuring sustained support at every step in the process. This seamless attention to detail ensures that each individual’s journey toward recovery is thorough, tailored, and conducive to lasting recovery and well-being.

Ikon Recovery Center was my best decision. Their unique approach focuses on self-love and effective addiction coping tools. The enjoyable, family-like environment sets them apart from traditional treatment centers. Highly recommend them for anyone in need.

AnonymousRecovering Patient

Ikon transformed my life. Unlike other centers, they provided guidance from start to finish, fostering a supportive community. What set them apart was their commitment to long-term success. I left feeling fulfilled and ready to build a future, thanks to the invaluable support of the counseling and aftercare teams. Gratitude to the entire Ikon team for making me feel important and helping me regain my place in society.

AnonymousRecovering Patient

Ikon turned my life around. The counselors, especially Ryan and James, treated me like family, offering unwavering support. Their non-judgmental approach empowered me, making me feel capable and worthy. Grateful to the entire Ikon team for this life-changing experience. I hope others in need can find this supportive place too!

AnonymousRecovering Patient

Wondering where to start? Contact our admissions team today to get answers to all your questions.

At Ikon, your journey toward lasting wellness is meticulously designed to ensure a seamless continuum of care. The process begins with a thorough admissions assessment, where our compassionate team collaborates with you to understand your unique needs.

From there, you’ll seamlessly transition through various levels of personalized treatment, which can include both specific levels of programming (Partial Care, outpatient care, etc.) and your treatment plan (therapy, yoga, etc.).

Our holistic approach addresses not only the physical aspects of addiction but also delves into the mental and emotional facets as well: during your stay, you can expect a supportive and transformative environment where you actively engage in your recovery.

Our team of dedicated and experienced professionals will guide you through each step, fostering an atmosphere of trust and collaboration. As you progress through the program, our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the initial phases of treatment.

Aftercare planning and a sense of community are integral parts of your journey, ensuring that the tools and strategies acquired during treatment become an enduring foundation for your life in recovery. Expect a continuum of care that supports you from admissions through aftercare, empowering you to achieve and maintain a fulfilling, sober life.

What about rebuilding my life? I don’t know where to start.

We can help with that. We have built a team and a process to offer long-term support long after your treatment program has ended. Here’s what you can expect from us during your lifelong recovery:

Housing Assistance

We’ll help you find safe and supportive housing solutions.

Financial Guidance

We’ll help you learn how to manage your money and plan for the future.

Credit Repair

We’ll help you reset your credit to open up more financial possibilities.

Giving Back To Your Community

We’ll help you connect with your community and learn how to become a productive contributor.

Continue Education Assistance

We’ll help you finish high school, finalize college applications, and navigate student loans.

Transportation Assistance

We’ll help you master public transportation or help you purchase a vehicle of your own.

Job Search Assistance

We’ll help you get back on your feet and back to work through our existing employer network and other job market resources

Nutrition & Dietary Health Guidance

We’ll help you learn how to plan, prep, and cook healthy and delicious meals.

At Ikon, we understand the courage it takes to seek help, and we are committed to providing a supportive and transformative environment for your healing. Approach your treatment with an open heart and a willingness to embrace change.

Recovery is a process, and each step is an opportunity for growth. Trust in the expertise of our compassionate team and be prepared to engage actively in your journey.

Your mindset plays a crucial role in the transformative experience that awaits, so cultivate resilience, curiosity, and the belief that positive change is possible. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity for growth, and trust in the supportive environment at Ikon to empower your journey toward lasting wellness.

What Should I Bring?

For your stay at Ikon, pack essentials such as comfortable clothing, personal toiletries, and any prescribed medications you may have, in addition to an open mind and your commitment to self-discovery. Our serene, comforting environment is designed to promote healing, so consider bringing items that bring you comfort as well.

Be sure to pack:

  • Several days of comfortable clothes
  • Athletic shoes
  • Personal toiletries
  • Prescription medications
  • Photos of family and loved ones
  • A favorite book
  • Journal and pen

Most importantly, bring your willingness to engage in the therapeutic process and a readiness to invest in your well-being. Ikon is here to support you every step of the way, helping to guide you toward a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Emergencies can and do happen when it comes to addiction. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are in need of care or support:

SMART Recovery
Find a SMART Recovery meeting near me
Alcoholics Anonymous
Find an AA meeting near me
Narcotics Anonymous
Find an NA meeting near me
Narcan Training
Find Narcan training near me