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When formal treatment has ended, this is where your real story begins. When the daily supports have been removed, you begin to cultivate the personal autonomy needed to start life anew. And we’ll be there, cheering you on.

Meet Erin Seibert

We’re not just a treatment center. We offer a recovery experience unlike any other. Here, you’ll enjoy a lifelong supportive community in our comfortably modern space. Our objective is to facilitate a changed life and a renewed purpose, not just altered behavior.

Erin SeibertMusic therapist

We’re not just a treatment center. We offer a recovery experience unlike any other. Here, you’ll enjoy a lifelong supportive community in our comfortably modern space. Our objective is to facilitate a changed life and a renewed purpose, not just altered behavior.

We’re constantly innovating and applying the most effective treatments and therapies, like NAD+ IV drips. We’re always searching out the latest in technological advancements that can provide support along the way, like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy. All to give you the best possible chance at lasting recovery success.

Even after your treatment plan has come to an end, you will never be dismissed or forgotten. Through every phase of recovery and the ongoing waves of success, we’ll be there for you. As you face new obstacles and build on the foundations you started in treatment, we’ll be there for you. As you become the best version of yourself, we’ll be there for you.

Avoid Isolation & Activate Celebration

Stay in community and know exactly where to go when you need additional support. Enjoy a crew that can help you celebrate your wins.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse can be devastating. By continuing to participate in the treatment community, you are better equipped to stay clean and sober.

Ongoing Education

There are countless resources and opportunities available to never stop learning about recovery and always stay ahead of your disorder.

Ikon Recovery Center was my best decision. Their unique approach focuses on self-love and effective addiction coping tools. The enjoyable, family-like environment sets them apart from traditional treatment centers. Highly recommend them for anyone in need.

AnonymousRecovering Patient

Ikon transformed my life. Unlike other centers, they provided guidance from start to finish, fostering a supportive community. What set them apart was their commitment to long-term success. I left feeling fulfilled and ready to build a future, thanks to the invaluable support of the counseling and aftercare teams. Gratitude to the entire Ikon team for making me feel important and helping me regain my place in society.

AnonymousRecovering Patient

Ikon turned my life around. The counselors, especially Ryan and James, treated me like family, offering unwavering support. Their non-judgmental approach empowered me, making me feel capable and worthy. Grateful to the entire Ikon team for this life-changing experience. I hope others in need can find this supportive place too!

AnonymousRecovering Patient